New Clean Factories in Michigan Start Hiring

Battery Plant Outside Lansing Hiring 1,700+ Workers

Great news! A new battery plant is coming to Delta Township near Lansing, and it's bringing lots of good jobs with it. The plant is called Ultium Cells, and they need to hire 1,700 people to work there.

Ultium Cells is looking for all kinds of workers, like engineers, production workers, technicians, supervisors, and people who are good with computers. They had a big event at Lansing Community College to tell people about the jobs and get them excited to work there.

They're good paying jobs, so that means people will have more money to spend and support local small businesses and other enterprises throughout the community,” said Tony Willis with the Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP).

This new factory is going to be really helpful for people in Lansing who need jobs. It will give them a chance to earn money to support their families and reach their goals. Plus, when people have good-paying jobs, they can spend more money at local businesses, which is great for the whole community.

The factory is set to start making batteries later this year, and it's going to be the third Ultium Cells plant in the country. With these new jobs, the people of Lansing can look forward to a brighter future and a stronger community.

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